SiO Skincare Blog

Fine Lines And Wrinkles: What's The Difference And How To Care For Each

Fine lines? Wrinkles? What’s the difference? And is there a good way to take care of both at the same time? We get asked those questions a lot here at SiO Beauty, so we thought we’d take some time to set the record straight once and for all.In this article, we’ll discuss: The difference between fine lines and wrinkles The best way to take care of both at the same...

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15 Easy Ways To Get Rid Of And Prevent Hand Wrinkles

When it comes to your face, your winkle-reversing routine is second nature—the beauty and skin care market is filled with tons of products, like SiO Beauty’s FaceLift medical-grade silicone patches, hydrating sunscreens, plumping serums, and so on. But when it comes to hand wrinkles (and knuckle and finger wrinkles), it’s a totally different story! And if you don't have a protection plan for the delicate, overworked skin on your hands, it’s much more likely to...

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The Best At-Home Skin Tightening Treatments

We’ve proven here that you don’t have to pay the big bucks or undergo painful, invasive procedures (let alone leave the house) to improve sagging skin. Now, there’s a vast selection of at-home solutions at your fingertips. Various natural, topical ingredients offer the potential to tighten, firm, and deeply hydrate the skin. Although the results of these home remedies may be less immediate than more intense skin tightening procedures, they can...

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Spider Veins On Your Face: What Causes Them & How To Treat Them

It’s tough to think fondly of spiders. The eight-legged critters are not known for being particularly cute or cuddly. That’s why you wouldn’t want to have spiders in your home or spider webs on your porch. And you definitely do not want to see spider veins on your face.But if you have started noticing spider veins, don’t freak out! It’s a common condition. In fact, one study in Scotland found that 88 percent...

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Droopy Eyelids Got You Down?

Natural Eyelift Nothing feels worse than when a coworker approaches your desk and says, “Wow, you look so tired!” A droopy eyelid can have you looking like you spent the night tossing and turning, even if you went to bed at 8 PM.  As you age, your skin may sag as it loses its elasticity and firmness, especially on the thin skin of your eyelids.  Sagging may occur due to...

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Should You Use A Breast Pillow Between Your Breasts to Combat Wrinkles For Side Sleeping?

Décolleté wrinkles—those pesky lines that form just below your collarbone and extend down between your breasts—result from a combination of factors including diet, age, sun exposure, side sleeping, and collagen breakdown. Thankfully, there are steps you can take to heal these lines and even prevent them from forming altogether. Diet can be addressed by eating more fruits and vegetables, drinking plenty of water each day, and including superfoods like almonds, avocado, and tomatoes. Sun...

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Sagging Skin: 7 Home Remedies You Need To Know

As you age, sagging skin can become a very real problem. Loose, sagging skin can be caused by a number of different factors including sun damage, reduced collagen production, lack of moisture, and even the position in which you sleep. Thankfully, there are just as many ways to treat sagging skin as there are causes. To help you fight back against loose, sagging skin, we’ve created a list of the...

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Neck Lines: The 10 Best Treatment Options

Soft, young-looking skin is something we all strive for. Unfortunately, neck lines make this goal more difficult because they can form at an early age and make you feel self-conscious about your appearance. But there is hope for the treatment of these frustrating lines. You don’t have to settle for a wrinkled neck any longer. This article will discuss 10 ways to treat neck lines and show you which one...

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Treatment For Forehead Wrinkles: The 10 Best Options

Wrinkles of any kind can be tough to deal with. They can be especially frustrating when they appear on your forehead. Unless you cover your forehead with bangs or hats all the time, your forehead is one of the first parts of your body people see. And the wrinkles that form there can betray your age like nothing else. But you don’t have to cover or hide those lines. They...

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How To Get Rid Of Neck Wrinkles

Neck wrinkles are bothersome because they are one of the first signs of aging. When you’re young, you don’t think a lot about your neck until those lines begin to appear. Suddenly, your age becomes more obvious and the most feminine area of your body is marred with wrinkles. It can be a tremendous blow to your confidence. But those wrinkles can be treated. These treatments can have you looking young...

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Décolletage Care: Top Treatments For A Youthful Décolleté

Treatment options for a wrinkled décolleté range from do-it-yourself creams to breast pillows to physician-performed surgeries. They all have benefits, but what is a discerning woman to do when she wants the best? This article shares the seven best options.

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How To Get Rid Of Cleavage Lines

The skin just below the neck—the upper chest and cleavage known collectively as the décolleté—can be a major indicator of a woman’s age. The skin is thin and delicate and is more susceptible to the damage that can lead to unsightly cleavage lines. Cleavage lines are wrinkles that form when collagen and elastin below the skin begin to break down. This breakdown occurs because of age, sun exposure, and the...

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