How To Get Rid of Under Eye Wrinkles

Originally published February 14, 2017, updated June 26, 2024.
The thin, delicate skin under your eyes is often one of the first areas where you may start seeing wrinkles on your face. In fact, under eye skin is so delicate that wrinkles may even appear as early as your late 20’s. Fortunately, if you’re not interested in using more invasive options like injections or fillers in such a sensitive area, there are a variety of natural and non-invasive treatments you can try in order to reduce the signs of aging under and around your eyes.
What Causes Under Eye Wrinkles?
Frustratingly so, the main culprit for aging under the eyes is a lack of oil glands in the skin. Because this skin is naturally so thin, even a slight loss of collagen may cause a loss in elasticity. This combination of factors typically leads to natural wrinkling in our early thirties, but some may see these telltale signs of aging even earlier.
But here are factors that may accelerate the aging process or amplify the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, some of which include:
- Sun exposure, which breaks down collagen and thins the skin
- Genetics that determine your skin type, color and tone as well as how your skin ages
- Unhealthy lifestyle habits that can degrade collagen such as drinking alcohol or smoking
- A general lack of hydration that reduces plumpness
- Heavy or thick under eye makeup including concealers that may actually accent fine lines
- Facial expressions that cause dynamic wrinkles, eventually leading to permanent wrinkles under the eyes
These factors can make under-eye wrinkles more pronounced and may increase the risk of developing eye wrinkles early.
Reduce Under Eye Wrinkles Naturally
Everyone eventually develops wrinkles as they age. But if you want to slow the process or reduce the appearance of under eye wrinkles naturally, a little education can go a long way. Some of the biggest mistakes people make can actually be from trying to reduce the appearance of wrinkles with everyday makeup and concealers, or using the same skincare products around their eyes that they use on the rest of their face. The delicate eye area requires special attention and gentle products designed with eye area use in mind.
Incorporate these steps into your daily skincare routine to help reduce the appearance under-eye wrinkles:
1. Soften and restore suppleness with a natural homemade exfoliator
Creating your own gently abrasive homemade cleanser will remove dead skin cells and help keep your under-eye skin soft and supple. Mix a tablespoon of olive oil, coconut oil or aloe vera with enough finely ground sugar to create a loose paste. This mixture will safely exfoliate and moisturize your under-eye skin. Dab a small amount of the mixture onto wet skin and gently pat (don’t scrub!) under your eyes for about 30 seconds. Rinse the mixture away with lukewarm water and pat your eye dry with a soft, clean towel.
2. Relax and restore moisture with cooling cucumber
Cucumber slices aren’t just an old wive’s tale. Placing chilled cucumber slices over your eyes can help restore moisture while applying collagen-producing silica to help retain plumpness and elasticity. It’s also very soothing and cooling after exfoliation.
Mash half a cucumber into a pulp and apply it under your eyes before placing a thick cucumber slice over each eye. Relax for 15 minutes in a reclined position and then remove. Rinse away the pulp with lukewarm water and pat dry with a soft towel.
How to Prevent Under Eye Wrinkles
While treatments can help tackle existing damage to delicate under-eye skin, prevention efforts are key. Your best approach to smoother skin is a combination of treatment and prevention, aiming to improve the overall health and appearance of your skin while slowing the aging process as much as possible.
Avoid using harsh soaps around your eyes
Everyday soaps, including those made for your face, may contain harsh chemicals that remove not only makeup and sunscreens but also natural oils from the skin.
While cleansing, don’t forget to be gentle, especially around your eyes. Scrubbing to remove stubborn mascara or eyeliner can pull and tug at the skin, leading to a loss in firmness and elasticity. Aim first to use a makeup remover that is safe for use on and around the eyes. And use a facial cleanser that contains ingredients like aloe vera, vegetable glycerin, olive oil, and rosehip oil to help promote production of natural oils to maintain and restore moisture balance.
Enjoy a healthier diet
Simple changes to your diet may help combat wrinkles from the inside out. First, cut out unhealthy foods like sweets, processed snacks and soda. Then enjoy a balanced diet including:
- Lean and/or plant-based proteins
- Fresh fruits and vegetables
- Healthy fats like nut oils, olive oil and avocado
Hydration is important too, so aim for 8 glasses of water a day to help flush out impurities and keep the skin around your eyes hydrated.
Protect your eyes from the sun with sunglasses or a hat
Protecting your eyes against the harsh rays of the sun begins with SPF 30+ eye-safe sun protection. However, you can boost your defenses against the sun by wearing UV-blocking sunglasses or a wide-brimmed hat. Along with sunscreen, other physical barriers that protect your eyes from the sun can help you avoid sun damage that speeds and enhances the appearance of wrinkles.
A little prevention, along with some natural remedies can go a long way. If you want to reduce the appearance of under eye wrinkles but want to steer clear of more invasive treatments like Botox or surgery, start incorporating some of these tips into your daily skincare routine and lifestyle.
SiO Beauty patches, including Super EyeLift can target your entire eye area to reduce the appearance of crow’s feet and under eye bags. They’re made from 100% medical grade silicone and are the perfect complement to your natural beauty routine.